Friday, March 23, 2007

· How does a train station look to a train? To a duck flying overhead? To a passenger arriving too late for the train?

- When I get into that train and jet that entire thing just fired up on the train it feels like the whole world just stopped for me. When I get al those people on the train and they are counting on me to get them to the place they want to go to just on time I feel like I’m the one special. Well today I guess ill just come in a little earlier then I normally would and check everything to make sure it good to go for the day. I sure hope hat to day will be another good day for all of us. “ All on bored”! .

- Well-let go on another adventure to see what we can see today. I love to fly I’m a duck and I love bread to. When the humans give it to us my heart starts to pound and then my belly loves the it leaves. But there is one thing I love to do the best on my days I wonder. Well I see the train when it leaves and I try to make it to the trip they are going on but I have never made it yet. But its just so much fun sometimes the guy will let me get a head start so that when he caches up we are at the same speed. I love it; it gives me a good exercise for the day.

- Today I have to go away on a trip to go see some family for someone’s birthday. But I can’t seem to find my phone for the trip. I looked everywhere could it be. I know that I had left it on the kitchen counter last night when I got home but were did it o from their. Did I put it in my pocket “no”? Then where could I have left it? I dont know but ill have to find it later. The car lets get to the car i'm going to be late for the train. Thanks for dropping me off at the train station I should go see you love you bye. Oh man the train just left that sucks now ill have to take the next one.

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